Extended / non-auricularized music

Extended or non-auricularized music: when a diegetic music is heard as an extradiegetic music (auricularization 0)



From extended to auricularized diegetic music

Beginning of CSI Las Vegas  10×04 (2009) with extended and auricularized diegetic music and non-diegetic music. Extended music with a hedonic function: musical show. Diegetic music: back to the sad reality. (Rick James – You And I)


Extended music (hedonic function of musical show with beautiful images) that turns into auricularized diegetic music in  Ray Donovan 1×05

Extended music turning into diegetic in Sleepy Hollow 1×01

Use of a diegetic justification (subjective headphone listening) for extended music in Mercy 1×04


From auricularized diegetic to extended music

The diegetic whistling that becomes extended in Kill Bill. Extension of the music symbolizes the extension of the power of its source.

The diegetic (extended) whistling in Twisted Nerve

Diegetic music with an active role (its damaging power increases as it becomes extended) in Written on the wind ( Douglas Sirk 1956)